Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Using the Butcher's Foam Gun

Autopia - In Wal-Mart, they have a foam gun: "I have the foam gun in one hand, the mitt on the other and gently wisk the mitt over a small portion of a panel at a time. I never had to totally put down the foam gun to wash. If I did that I wouldn't have the constant stream of flowing soap mixture over the finish, the reason I want to use the foam gun.

You can't use two mitts this way but I see no need to have to use two." [Bill D]


I get mine from Messner's . As best I can tell you have to call them (608 256-0695) to order, or at least that's what I do. You want item# BAQ-4165900

Total for the last one I got was $76.20 after tax and shipping.


Use diluted Meguiar's NXT Wash in the foam gun's reservoir.


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